Happy June and welcome to the new blog. This is the last month before we’re at the halfway mark of the year and that’s wild for me. This year has been a heavy one but that’s okay. It’s helped me find THIS new platform and how to refocus my business. Business has been great, friendships have been hard, and navigating my path has felt like a trap. Learning to let go of those friendships that felt unnurtured, cleaning up the business side of the business, and looking inwards has been ALOT – but in a good way. While April probably was my lowest point, I told myself that I was going to spend this Summer finding my happiness again. Kind of like Peter Pan finding his shadow.

In the middle of the night before my 36th birthday, I sat up writing a list of small things that played in my head on repeat, as I mentioned. I decided each month I will honor time to make these list items become reality – one by one. Which is how I landed on From the Sheets and the blog version of it. So here it is live. 

I wanted to include a little bit of my personal life, a little travel, a little this and that, and trinkets that make me happy and help me find gratitude. I wanted to share affirmations for those who may need a little dose, and some antidotes from the monthly blog post. More than anything I wanted to find an outlet that wasn’t about having to be “on” or ready for “perfection” but a place to share TRUE + AUTHENTIC feelings. I wanted to take the eye of the beholder and show them that them is so much room for shades of grey and as much color as you they choose….

With all that being said, I wanted to share a little bit of where my mind has been.

I read in a Jenny Han book the words: magic happens between June and August. While those aren’t my favorite months here, in Arizona, I feel it is always the time I hit a reset and find myself looking inward. Maybe that’s because my birthday is in May or maybe because Arizona Summers are like Portland’s rain for me. 

I often find myself feeling the most homesick during this time. You probably think that sounds heavy or depressing but truth be told, it’s not. It’s become my constant reminder of what truly matters most to me and always my fresh insight on pushing myself to connect with those around me. All of this has led me to sit, think, meditate, journal, and create. 

So here is my list of the magic that will be happening between June and August:

  • Write more. a ton more.
  • Start photography MY moments
  • Pick up a new hobby
  • Continue house projects
  • Start a mini garden
  • Build fun reels for IG
  • Design the 2023 Holiday Minis
  • Create something new
  • Take a cooking class
  • Book a mini summer trip
  • Soak in every moment with Anthony (hubby)
  • Enjoy the backyard
  • SPA IT UP!!!
  • Learn to set boundaries
  • Say YES to experiences
  • Say NO to last minutes
  • Plan our 2024 Destination Trip!
  • Scroll less, snuggle Champ more
  • Capture tiny objects that make me happy
  • Make homemade pasta
  • Create: mind, body, and spirit in IG
  • LAUNCH + ENJOY something new

Find my happiness again. 

As I navigate this new path that makes sense to me, it will get easier, friendships with blossom, and the business will glow. So here is to the Summer of magic and the reminder we are all wildflower finding our light in the field. 
Until then, XO.

read time: 7 mINS max.

Hey. I'm Jennica

Entrepreneur with over 15+ years of brand, website, and photography experience. My side passion is writing and connecting with others on a deeper personal level. 

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the gram